Archive for the ‘4chan’ Category

Limits On Net Neutrality?


I have to say I have no idea who to make fun of today. The choices are many. Do I go with the Russian Pullout? Or what about Condaleeza Rice threatening Russia? Or the Iran ‘satallite’ ? Actually now that I am typing I think I’ll blog about something else. Something decidedly unfunny.

I recently had an e-friend mail me a link to a sprawling website I’d never heard of. The reason I’d never heard of it apparently is because I am old and have scruples. It’s called 4chan. Run by a guy who calls himself Moot.

The thing is that most of the site is Anime based. A whole section of the world I have relatively no interest in. However, then there is the Random board which hosts everything from blaze wars to what can only be described as nearly child porn. The entire board is crude and occasionally repulsive. One anonymous user has photos of a cat being burned to death as his avatar. This is the same site that spawned I Can Haz Cheeseburger and LOLCats.

I write about it because it puzzles me. The entire site is anonymous. So one never knows who is posting. I am all for Net Neutrality but this might be pushing the bounds of what is acceptable. I am not for regulatory sanitizing of what people can access on the net. Yet, what possible use is a site that allows for an entire section of Hardcore porn with rapid filesharing and the only thing a 10 year old has to do to access it is click the “Yes I’m Eighteen ” button?

So I find myself in a quandry. While I cannot endorse the unethical, possibly criminal, behavior of some of the 4chan posters, I also cannot say they don’t have right to post as they please.

What do you think about 4chan?
