Archive for July, 2009

Let’s Go For A Complexion Changing Swim In Philly


It’s good to know that this is alive and well in America. If I were those kids I’d show up everyday just outside the fence and stare at everyone until they stopped coming to the pool altogether.


The club owners, not the kids.


Theyr’re Out There If You know Where To Look


Think about This as you wolf down your cruller this morning and dream of anyplace other than the one you’re at right now. If an 11 year-old can climb 14 mountains, what could you do?

I could cheer him on and then pour another cup of coffee while playing Mafia Wars, but then, I’m old.



What The **** Are You People Talking About?


It’s interesting to me, everything I am reading on the Net about our newest President. What I find most intriguing is that the Republicans have set up shop and are now engaging in the “Whine and Blame ” game.

They are attempting, through a great deal of propaganda, to insinuate that the current economy was brought on by policies that are less than 8 months old. Apparently, the bail-out strategy they started when Bush was in office , the one they voted for so quickly, well, it’s now a bad idea that will ruin America. Also, from Republican bloggers and journalists, and this is what I find most interesting, it’s the fault of loser deadbeat homeowners that they are now underwater and foreclosures are rising. It is no longer the fault of unscrupulous bankers  who bought millions of dollars in bad debt, encouraged low-income families to take on high debt, and then hid the entire thing through off-the-books accounting.

If it weren’t so widespread I would just cry “sour grapes ‘ and leave it. Yet, it is main stream media who is buying into this smokescreen and selling it quite well.

Did you know:

*Republicans are trashing Obama over Guantanamo. They are the ones who held prisoners for over eight years without trial, were the center of the abuse debate, and basically ran the place like a Turkish prison without all the amenities. However, it’s Obama’s fault now.

No, it’s Bush and Cheney’s fault. They set the policies.

*That after eight years of complete bullying of  the EU, it’s now Obama’s fault that relations are not perfect. It takes more than a tour and smiling Michelle Obama to right the wrongs of the previous years. It takes time to rebuild trust and for those who thought it would happen overnight, the world does not work that way.

* Obama likes water-boarding. No, no he doesn’t. He has tried to stop this sort of thing and strangely has met with resistance from the REPUBLICANS.

And call me a wacky leftist who wishes to socialize the whole country and bring down the wealthy who started this giant economic free fall, but did I not just hear a REPUBLICAN pundit recently say we need OSAMA BIN LADEN to attack the U.S. again? Because that would show’em, that’d show ’em real good.

I think that instead of trying to hold onto the old policy of scaring people into compliance, the Republicans should take their whipping like Men. It’s not Obama’s fault Republican senators can’t keep it in their pants. He seems to actually like the woman he married. It’s not Obama’s fault that he’s not browbeating the FED into accepting damaging policies. He seem to genuinely care about  fixing everything Bush broke. And no one could do that in eight months.

It would be nice if the Repulicans who are now whinging would just admit they are the douche bags who brought this around and started to help not hinder every step Obama takes.

Then we might actually see progress.

Oh and Bill Maher: You’re just jealous that the President gets better coverage and more airtime than you do. Libertarian my ass. You’re as whiny as the rest of  them. Do everyone a favor and shut it.


Gimme Back My Bottle


Got a cold? A terrific headache? A random old person muscle pain?

Well, screw you! SUFFER!

The FDA wants to make medications that contain acetaminophen by prescription only.

Because Americans can’t read labels. Because we need the FDA to tell us what to do and how to live. Because rational decisions should never be left to the great unwashed.

So if I have the flu and I want to grab something to relieve my symptoms, because 1600 people annually refuse to believe the dosage limits, I have to pay to see a doctor, and inflated prices to get it from a pharmacy?

It as great big scheme. A definite money maker to be sure. Everyone gets a twinge or a headache. I don’t know too many people in my line of work who don’t carry pain relievers on their person. Usually giant bags of it . That doesn’t mean we’re tossing them back with abandon or snarfing them down every fifteen minutes. The reason people overdose is because they are impatient or have not taken the meds with enough water to make them break down and begin to work. Those are the Morons who should  have every one of their decisions monitored. The rest of us can read. And think. And function quite well without 24 hour supervision by a government agency known for corruption and kickbacks, thank you.

Stop trying to regulate us to death. We don’t need a bloated group of greedy bastards to determine the collective level of common sense. Americans are smarter than we are given credit for. Well, mostly. Our politicians are making it hard to back up that statement but the rest of us are just fine. Mostly.

Hey here’s an idea, why don’t we start actually regulating the regulators?  The FDA pretty much does as they please in the interest of ‘public health’. As long as it will inflate their bank account.

If they’re so good at their  job why is there a never-ending supply of E. Coli in our food?  They are the FOOD and Drug Administration aren’t they? Start there zipperheads and then worry about Grandpa choking down a Tylenol for his back pain.
